When I was 10… Vassilis Spanoulis

We travel back in time when our players were 10 years old.
I used to live …
«In Larissa»
I lived with my…
The pets we had…
«Had not pets»
My school was…
«Larissa's 15th elementary school»
My best friend at the time was…
«Was and is Elias Georgakopoulos, he's also the godfather of my first born son, Thanassis».
People used to call me…
I was playing basketball with…
«GS Larissa»
I was rooting for…
«I was not a fan of any particular team»
My favorite player was…
«Michael Jordan»
My favorite TV show was…
«Sports' Sunday».
I used to eat for breakfast…
"Bread with honey spread»
I was vacationing at…
«In Velika, Larissa»
In my wallet, I kept…
«I had not wallet then»
I used to go to bed…
«At 23:00h»
What I loved doing was…
«Playing basketball and football in open playgrounds»
Τhe 'dumbest' thing I would be doing …
«I would be doing a lot of dumb stuff when I was a kid, we would be going to arcades or billiard places and we would be leaving without paying »
I would be 'copying"…
«I wasn't copying anyone; I was watching Galis and Jordan all the time »
My favorite place on earth was…
My worst habit was…
«Not to eat certain foods»
My favorite game was…
"Playing pool».
I would expect dinner to be…
«Spaghetti Bolognese »
Other sports that I liked were…
Apart from sports, I used to love to…
«Walking around with my friends»
If I had 100 euro, I would spend them on…
«Buying shoes »
Οlympiacos used to mean to me…
«Zarko Paspalj, he was the one to revive Olympiacos at the time»…