Project philosophy

We, the coefficients of the Olympiacos basketball Developmental program for young ages, scientific and administrative affiliates aim to:
• Welcome the kids in a safe environment, functional and clean playing facilities and with full material and technical infrastructure.
• Be worthy of the trust the parents /guardians put in us, together trying to help them with the proper upbringing of their kids in today’s tough circumstance.
• Implement our training schedule which is designed and adjusted to the needs of each age group from teacher - coaches and experienced trainers, specializing with young ages.
• Offer medical care, whenever this is needed, nutrition information, physiotherapy, ergo therapy, athletic psychologists supervision, choosing outstanding associates.
• Treat the kids fairly, so that they receive equal opportunities to deploy their talents on the court and present their skills.
• Teach them the secrets of basketball, while at the same time, shape proper characters and help them cultivate physical and emotional health.
• Teach them to obey their coaches’ instructions, since coaches are their teachers and to instruct them to daily try to improve the sports fundamentals, like: dribbling, passing, shooting, defending, rebounding and building physical conditioning.
• Enjoy the game and have fun, making new friends and gathering useful experience for all their life.
• Distinguish themselves and have ethos, both in school and on the floor, so that they combine good academic and sporting performance. Know that sports is a way of life.
• Instill in the kids the love for basketball and sports in general. Teach them to learn to compete, cooperate, and respect the rules of the game, their team mates, their opponents and all those participating the sport.
• Try hard and show proper behavior inside and outside the court, team spirit and passion, without extreme fanaticism.
• Be able to fulfill their dream and try to gain a spot on the men’s team when they grow up.
• Inspire dedication and love for Olympiacos.