Law: "I'm grateful for all the love and the support"

Acie Law returned to the SEF, got honored by our Presidents, Mr. Panagiotis and Mr. Giorgos Angelopoulos for his contribution to our team, he got cheered upon by the fans and 'unrolled' the bundle of his 'red & white' memories for the camera of #OlympiacosBC TV.
You are here once again after ten years. How do you feel.
"I have so many wonderful memories. I wish I could still play. These fans give me so much energy and joy! We won so many titles together and all those memories and experiences come back to mind. I'm happy! I appreciate them and I'm grateful for all the love the support. The fans are wonderful! The Presidents gave me an award. I had no idea it was going to happen! It was a great experience and I'm incredibly grateful".
We watched you get emotional. Was it a surprise to you?
"I had no clue. I'm a scout and I came here on business. I never knew this kind of welcome was planned. I can't even express how grateful I am. I want to bring my family here to watch this. It's a great atmosphere. The fans are so passionate about their team and I'm happy I was able to bring back for them great memories from the success we had enjoyed together".
You said you are here on business. Are there any Olympiacos' players you've been watching?
"I did not come for anyone in particular. We simply go everywhere and watch players. Obviously, Olympiacos has one of the best programs outside of the NBA. You always pay attention to players no matter where they play and this has been one of my stations, so it made sense to come here and watch the team".
What do you think is different about European basketball compared to 2013?
"I don't think anything has changed. I was talking to a colleague of mine, that the one thing that stays consistent is the battle and the 'hunger' with which this team plays. They did not shoot with good percentages tonight, but they were trailing by one point, they are so competitive. That's what Greece is as a total! You see that in the fans also, they are in the fight. That makes me proud to have been a part of and that it remains a constant of this organization".
One of your best memories is against Real Madrid. What do you remember from that final? There is also footage of you celebrating with your daughter.
"You would have to see her now. She's grown up! What I remember from that night is how resilient we were. They came at us, they had a great team, but we stayed together, we did not give up, we were resilient and succeeded in our goal".