Olympiacos fell fighting

Olympiacos fought to the last second, but did not succeed in advancing to the Final Four final. The ‘reds’ lost to the reigning European Champion, Anadolu Efes, 74-71.
With Moustapha Fall dominating the post, Olympiacos got to lead 14-7, however, with Larkin and Dunston leading their offense, Efes replied with a 11-0 streak and got ahead 14-18 (at 9’). Kostas Sloukas and Kostas Papanikolaou took action and running a partial 7-0 allowed our team to close the first quarter in the driver’s seat (21-18). Hassan Martin did an equally good job under the rims, on both ends of the floor, helping Olympiacos to build a +7 lead (39-32 at 16’). Larkin and Micic found nevertheless target from the perimeter and Efes got ahead by one point (41-42). The half time score (43-42) was written by a layup delivered by Shaquielle McKissic.
In the second half, the Turkish team opened fire from the 6,75m. and got a +11 lead (51-62 at 27’). Olympiacos however did not quit the fight… They applied pressure in defense and with Tyler Dorsey spearheading the offense, they succeeded in closing in at 3p. (63-66), by the end of the 3rd quarter. After that, the game became a first class derby, with Olympiacos breathing down Efes’ neck (70-71 at 35’), but due to the ‘reds’ poor perimeter percentages they weren’t able to get ahead in the score. 19.5’’ before the end Martin tied the game (74-74), but a Micic scored a three almost at the buzzer and gave Efes the qualification. It was impossible for Olympiacos to change their fate in the 0.02’’ remaining…
The quarters: 21-18, 43-42, 63-66, 71-74.