Lost in Istanbul

Olympiacos failed to get his 7th consecutive Euroleague win in Istanbul, losing to Efes 85-72 for the 30th round of the competition.
With 3/3 threes by Pleiss, the hosts got a +9 very early in the game (9-0 at 2'). The 'red & whites' tried to react and found scoring with Moustapha Fall and Alec Peters, but, thanks to their impressive numbers from the three-point line, the Turkish team kept control of the game (22-10 at 7'). When Kostas Papanikolaou entered the game, the balance shifted. The captain offered substantial help on both ends of the floor and had a major impact on our team closing into 4p. (24-20 at 9'). Relying on the impressive Moses Wright, Olympiacos made a one-point game (26-25 at 12'), but then forfeited facilitation in their game, went with bad decision making and saw Efes once again getting further away score-wise (+11, 48-37 at 20').
The hosts had absolute control up until 24' (55-42). However, with pressing defense and Alec Peters, Moustapha Fall, and Isaiah Canaan spearheading the offense, the 'red & whites' once again got close within one point (62-61 at 29'). But they weren't able to finish their counter-attack. Efes punished gaps in their defense and our teams' struggle to score and running a partial 19-5 (81-66 at 37'), prematurely secured the win.
* The Presidents, Panagiotis and Giorgos Angelopoulos, together with 500 'red and white' fans attended the game.
The quarters: 26-21, 48-37, 66-61, 85-72.